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Woulib Expert Inc. is a technology company that eases the stress of movement and helps people face the current economic and environmental situation of the world by sharing your trip cost. We provide solutions for schools, organizations, and individuals who want to move around easily and minimize fuel costs. We serve clients in Quebec and Toronto Canada.

We believe that better cities are cities with fewer CO2 emissions around, so at Woulib Expert Inc, we are building cities with fewer cars and a space where people are no longer forced to buy cars before they can move around freely.

We partner with great drivers and users like you who enjoy moving in a variety of cars.

Moreover, we help individuals move around with so much ease and peace. With our app, we help people to identify co-workers, and students to identify schoolmates in the same area. Co- workers and students can choose to ride to work or school in the same vehicle while sharing fuel costs. Also, any organization can work with WoulibX to optimize their logistics transportation services while sharing information and cost.

Using our app, you can book a car nearby and keep track of your journey and CO2 savings, which are counted as points, and you can use them later for available promotions. Amazing right? Download the app and start using it today for you or your company and attract more audiences.

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