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Are you looking for reliable car services for a trip or errands? Perhaps you need to go to work or school and you don't know how to meetup. WoulibX services are the best you need. Check out our services to see which fits you the best.

1.Woulib Rides

This service will help anyone to find the right rides fitting in their journey. Anyone subscribed to our services will be able to request or post a ride. This is an option to start using our service easily.

2. Woulib CUG

Woulib CUG is a service offered to the organization, school and others to help their collaborators to share rides. This service is different from the previous one. This will allow people within the same organization or educational institutions to be in touch easily. This service enables organisations or communities to request a ride in group.

3. Woulib corporate services

This service enables small, medium, and leading businesses to use our platform to coordinate delivery services while optimizing movement and sharing cost. Every partner will be able to share within the network their needs. For corporate services, partners will be able to negotiate the terms of services.

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